
BridgeDeFi Foundation Membership

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Become a member of the BridgeDeFi Foundation and unlock exclusive rewards and benefits.

BridgeDeFi's Foundation NFTs give you membership in a private group. By purchasing one of the limited 3200 Foundation NFTs for only $250, you will become a lifetime member of the BridgeDeFi Foundation. As a member of the Foundation, you will immediately start enjoying the benefits of membership. You'll be among the first to know about new products BridgeDeFi is developing. Members will be the first to know about client business and project launches. They will have early access to opportunities, like crypto projects. Members of the Foundation will get whitelisted spots to presales, when projects are funded for their development on BridgeDeck. As a member of the Foundation, you will be a part of a valuable community of individuals who help shape the direction of projects on our platforms. Members of the Foundation will have their own private channels on Telegram and Discord that give them exclusive access to interact, chat, and network with the BridgeDeFi team, clients, and other Foundation members in a secure and friendly environment.

Additionally, you'll gain access to SORTiD™, a powerful tool that helps you keep your personal and professional information organized and secure. Important documents end up getting stored in many different places. This can lead to much wasted time trying to remember where you stored it. Health records, legal paperwork, wills, stocks & bonds, land and automotive titles, insurance policies are just a few of the things that can be stored on SORTiD™. All of these items need a safe and secure place to be stored, where only you, or designated loved ones can have access to it. SORTiD™ is the answer for this.

BridgeDeFi will use the Foundation as a development and marketing resource. This focus group will provide insights and feedback on our projects, and those of our clients. Focus groups give us a better idea of the marketability of a project. Foundation members are a superb group for this, because they come from diverse backgrounds and customs. Having a foot in both worlds, crypto and in their real life communities, gives this group a better understanding as a resource. BridgeDeFi will pay for the services of the Foundation with 12% of the revenue we generate on our four different platforms.

If at some point BridgeDeFi decides to stop using the services of the Foundation as a focus group, we will refund the original cost of the Foundation NFT, and as a bonus for your services, we will calculate a 30% APR, compounded monthly, during the time we used the services of the Foundation Membership. This will not affect or negate the other benefits that the Foundation NFTs provide. And we will always be finding new ways to add more benefits to our NFT holders.

What better way to use your knowledge about the communities you live in, plus what you have learned since entering the crypto and blockchain space. You will be able to make an impact on things that matter to you. The Foundation Membership is a great way to increase your knowledge, receive early access to many amazing opportunities, and support this decentralized arena that we all have a passion for. FInd out more by joining our Discord and Telegram groups.

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